GirlsInTech Summer Programs: Registration is closed

GirlsInTech Mentorship Programme

Are you a girl in tech?
Our mentorsip programme is for you

GirlsInTech mentorship program is a valuable initiative designed to provide guidance and support to young girls and women interested in pursuing careers in the technology industry. The program is geared towards young girls from the ages of 12 and above with a passion for technology and provides one-on-one mentoring from experienced professionals in the field. In addition to mentoring, GirlsInTech offers workshops and training sessions on technical skills such as coding, UI/UX design, and cybersecurity. The program aims to break down gender barriers in tech by providing role models and supportive peers. By participating in the program, young women can build a network of mentors and peers that can provide ongoing guidance and support throughout their careers.


What does the programme entail

The GirlsInTech program provides one-on-one mentoring from experienced professionals, technical skill workshops, and a supportive community to young women interested in pursuing technology careers.

Become a GIT Mentor

Becoming a mentor for GirlsInTech is a rewarding opportunity to help inspire and guide young women interested in pursuing careers in the technology industry, while also contributing to the growth and diversity of the field. Mentors provide one-on-one guidance and support, share their experiences and knowledge, and serve as role models for the next generation of female leaders in tech.

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Become a Mentor

Become a GIT Mentee

Becoming a mentee through the GirlsInTech program provides an invaluable opportunity for young women interested in technology careers to gain guidance and support from experienced professionals in the field, build their technical skills, and develop a strong network of peers and mentors. Mentees can learn from their mentors' experiences, gain insights into the industry, and work towards achieving their career goals with confidence and direction.

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Become a Mentor
